What is digital conversion? 4.0 trend: Digital transformation

The Covid-19 pandemic forced many businesses to accelerate the digital transformation process to compete and even survive.

Phuong Trang

20/8/2024 3:21 PM

The Covid-19 pandemic forced many businesses to accelerate the digital transformation process to compete and even survive. This is necessary and plays an important role for both the B2C and B2B sectors because consumer behavior, buying trends, knowledge and processes have now changed.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation (abbreviated as DX) is the process of applying digital technology to overall and comprehensive change of how it works and interacts in all areas of society, from government, business to people's lives. The goal of digital transformation is to leverage the potential of digital technology to improve work performance, add value and create a digital economy, improve quality of life and promote sustainable development.

In the process of digital transformation, organizations will apply technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud computing (Cloud computing), Big Data and Data Analytics (Data Analytics), Business Intelligence (BI) and many other technologies to optimize production processes, manage financial, improve customer interaction, increase user experience and improve the creativity and competitiveness of the organization.

The digital transformation process has a comprehensive impact on many different aspects of the organization, including: how it operates, culture, organizational structure, relationships with customers, partners, people.

Digital transformation is not only a matter of technology, but also requires a change in workflow, employee training, a change in mindset and working attitude of all members of the organization.

The core key of digital transformation is a comprehensive shift in how organizations operate and leverage the opportunities that digital technology offers to achieve optimization, create new value and maintain competitive advantage.

Digital transformation is becoming an important factor for organizations to thrive in the digital age, helping to drive innovation and enhance productivity, as well as improving customer satisfaction.

What is Digital Transformation?

The current situation of digital transformation

Digital transformation is no longer a vision or a distant goal in the future, but has become an essential process, forcing all organizations and businesses to participate in order to survive and not be left in a fiercely competitive and rapidly changing market like today.

The current situation of argument transfer in Asia/Pacific, according to data compiled by Microsoft, of the 615 businesses studied, 44% said they had successfully applied the digital transformation process.

Examples of National Digital Transformation in some countries:

  • Estonia: Considered one of the leading countries in digital transformation, with most public services offered online, including remote elections.
  • Singapore: Famous for its "Smart Nation" initiative, emphasizing the application of technology in city management, health, transportation and education.
  • Korea: Focus on developing information and communication technology infrastructure, improving digital skills for people and businesses, and innovating in technology.

National digital transformation is a process that requires the participation of both government, businesses and people. The ultimate goal is to create a digital society, improve the quality of life, and facilitate sustainable economic development.

National digital transformation is a process that requires the participation of both government, businesses and people

In Vietnam, the Government develops a "National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, oriented to 2030", defining the development goal of the digital economy, by 2025 the digital economy must account for 20% of GDP, the proportion of digital economy in all industries and fields must reach at least 10%, labor productivity increases by at least 7%, Vietnam is in the top 50 countries in information technology.

According to estimates by the Ministry of Information and Communications, in the first quarter of 2022, the Government reached about 53 billion USD. The number of newly established digital technology enterprises increased by 500 compared to 2021.

For businesses in Vietnam, according to a survey by the Vietnam Vinasa IT Software and Services Association in 2019, digital transformation is still a big barrier when 30.7% of businesses do not know what to do to digital transformation, 35% of businesses wonder where to start,... More significantly, small and medium enterprises in Vietnam account for the majority of 97%, but the reality is that they are not qualified for scientific technology and resources for maximum digital transformation.

By 2021, most businesses will apply multi-channel management solutions, software, distribution channel management, online sales, etc. to businesses.

The current situation of digital transformation in Vietnam has received a lot of support from the market and agencies of the Government, contributing to promoting a faster and more drastic digital transformation process. Now there are no more organizations, businesses or individuals outside the digital transformation process, if not implemented, they will be left behind.

The current situation of digital transformation in Vietnam has received a lot of support from the market and agencies of the Government

The goal of digital transformation

With the goal of taking advantage of digital technology in Digital transformation to improve, optimize working processes, increase flexibility, improve customer experience and develop new products/services, enhance the competitive advantage of the business, improve the experience of employees.

Some goals of the digital transformation process must be mentioned as:

  • Enhance efficiency and productivity: Applying digital technology helps optimize workflows, reduce waste, and enhance organizational performance and productivity.
  • Improve customer experience: Using digital technologies enhances customer interaction, improves user experience, and creates better services and products that meet customer needs.
  • Exploit new opportunities: Digital transformation allows organizations to take advantage of the new opportunities that digital technology offers, such as mining data to make smart decisions, developing new products and services, or accessing new markets.
  • Increase competitiveness: Digital transformation enhances organizational competitiveness by enhancing creativity and driving innovation in the way it does business and provides value to customers.
  • Enhanced reliability and safety: Digital solutions often come with information security and safety measures, which help protect an organization's data and information from cyber threats and attacks.
  • Adapt to the digital market: Digital transformation helps organizations adapt to trends and changes in the digital market, helping to ensure survival and sustainable development in the future.

Organizations and businesses, when moving towards these goals, can increase their competitive advantage in the market, increasing the likelihood of business success in both the short and long term.

The goal of digital transformation

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Benefits of digital transformation

Digital transformation is considered a trend of reducing time in management and optimizing costs. Like it or not, the digital transformation still happens, in a world where technology is booming, buying trends and consumer expectations are constantly changing today.

If state agencies, large or small-scale enterprises, even individuals living in today's digital technology age, do not change to adapt, they will definitely fall behind and may fail. Therefore, digital transformation will change people's thinking and perceptions, eliminating outdated ways of working to establish a fast, accurate and cost-effective workflow based on digital technologies.

Meet the constantly changing expectations of customers

Improving technology and sales channels give users more choices, thereby raising expectations about the experience they receive. Digital transformation technologies help increase interaction between customers and businesses. They contribute to helping businesses attract and retain customers. 'For example, the activity of ''going to the household market'' after the effects of the epidemic, this has become more familiar and convenient for those who are busy or do not want to wait and waste time at the supermarket.'

Meet the constantly changing expectations of customers

Survive in a competitive and constantly changing market

Digital transformation also plays a role in enhancing the competitive advantage of organizations and businesses in today's complex business market. Before letting competitors lose their pioneering position, businesses need to quickly implement the digital transformation process to bring customers new experiences. Today's customers expect more from businesses, especially digital experiences, wherever and whenever, they can use it.

Analyze data sources

Organizations can leverage digital transformation to collect and access large volumes of data. As a result, it is possible to analyze data for tracking customer information, specific data to be able to accurately evaluate, and at the same time find solutions to outstanding problems. These data greatly support organizations, agencies and businesses in the decision-making and planning process.

Improve the employee experience

When employees have good work experiences, productivity and work efficiency are very positively impacted. Digital Transformation helps to transform the workflow to be simpler, faster, modern and more energy-saving. As a result, the work is assigned clearly and seamlessly, helping businesses ensure progress and efficiency.

Improve the employee experience

Remove barriers between departments/departments

The Digital transformation process makes information stored on the system, easy to access anytime and anywhere. Departments/departments in the organization can share documents, while helping them communicate more frequently and optimally thanks to chat tools.

Increase performance, reduce costs

The digital transformation process can be costly for most organizations and businesses, but this is a long-term investment that brings positive results. When spending an initial amount, businesses can save shipping costs through the digital conversion process.

At the same time, Digital transformation also helps employees focus more on their work, quickly complete tasks successfully. Especially laborious and time-consuming jobs, when replaced by machines, can increase productivity, quality as well as minimize errors.

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4 Important factors when performing digital transformation


In the process of Digital transformation, businesses also need to answer the question How to take advantage of data sources?

In fact, many organizations and businesses, although they own a large amount of data, do not know how to fully exploit their advantages and potentials. For example, in supermarkets with membership card policies, in addition to redeeming rewards at the end of the year, they need to develop that data source in a more optimal way, for example, developing an application that offers special offers privileges for each individual according to their shopping needs.

The data also has a deadline, after a while, consumer concerns may have differed. Therefore, they need to be exploited at the right time and in the right way. To maximize the advantages of technology in this transformation race, businesses need to build a system of data exploitation, management and analysis to distinguish:

  • What data is necessary for each activity of departments such as Sales, Marketing, customer care,...
  • What data is no longer relevant
  • What data can serve as a basis to predict the behavior and preferences of potential customers in the business?

To be able to do that, organizations and businesses need to build a system to collect and connect data from many channels to a single place, also known as a CRM system. This system allows all departments to have the necessary data for the work process.

In the process of Digital transformation, businesses also need to answer the question How to take advantage of data sources?

Technology factor

Technology factors often develop in parallel with changes in demand in the market, businesses can find new growth opportunities. For example, in the modern pace of life, when needs need to be satisfied immediately without spending a lot of time, the real estate industry can let customers experience the home in AR augmented reality technology.

Today, from Big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence or cloud algorithms, etc., businesses need to understand to apply to businesses, see what advantages these technologies bring? How to adjust technology to the needs of businesses, markets, integrate new applications into existing systems?

Digital conversion process

Digital transformation is a revolutionary ization of operating methods, how to both satisfy customer needs and connect activities in the business in the easiest way to manage and track.

In fact, we can get calls with the same content from multiple consultants of the same bank. This is a lack of optimization in the implementation plan, which is also a consequence of confusing and overlapping information management. This is also an annoying experience for customers, causing them to move away from the brand more and more.

Especially in the service industry, if businesses want to operate smoothly, they need to have a strict process from the moment they receive information to the time they deploy. At this time, Inbound Marketing (a method of attracting customers by creating valuable content and experiences that suit them) is a suitable choice, based on:

  • Personalized experience for each target audience based on the management system from CRM data.
  • The automatic process such as sending Email automatically according to the content, the frequency is set, or automatically transferring the phone to the appropriate consultant by number, automatically remarketing to customers,...
  • Closely coordinate the activities of customer care, Sales, Marketing departments on the same interface.

With these digital transformation process steps, businesses can optimize human resources from small tasks, taking time to focus on other important tasks.

Digital transformation is a revolutionary ization of operating methods, how to both satisfy customer needs and connect activities in the business in the easiest way to manage and track.

Human factor

After all the factors of technology, management system, automatic process, data, Digital transformation of organizations, agencies, businesses can still be affected by human factors such as leadership, organization, teamwork, expertise in the above 3 fields. This factor is also the reason why in order to change the traditional business model, organizations need to focus on the staff.

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Necessary digital transformation technologies

Digital transformation technologies are becoming an important part in many fields, from business to education and health. These technologies can be combined and customized to meet the specific needs of each business or organization during the digital transformation.

Necessary digital transformation technologies

Internet of Things (IoT - Internet of Things)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of physical devices, vehicles, household appliances, and various items networked, allowing them to collect and exchange data. This technology connects devices to the Internet through sensors and embedded software, allowing data collection, analysis, and even remote control automatically.

Not only computers and smartphones are connected to the Internet, but also a variety of other devices such as smart watches, Internet-capable washing machines, cars can automatically update software via Wi-Fi, smart watering systems automatically adjust the amount of water based on weather forecasts, and even smart refrigerators that can track the shelf life of food inside.

Some of the main applications of IoT include:

  • Intelligent management: In cities, IoT helps manage traffic, street lights, and air quality intelligently.
  • Smart agriculture: Using sensors to monitor environmental and soil conditions, helping farmers optimize watering and fertilizer use.
  • Smart manufacturing: IoT helps optimize production processes through tracking and analyzing data from production machinery and equipment.
  • Smart health: Connected medical devices help monitor health remotely, detect health problems early, and support disease management more accurately.
  • Smart home: Internet-connected household appliances such as light bulbs, air conditioners, and security systems can be controlled remotely, creating a smart and convenient living environment.

IoT opens up great opportunities for innovation and optimization in many different industries. However, it also poses security and privacy challenges, as extensive networking means that personal and business data can become more vulnerable.

Internet of Things (IoT - Internet of Things)

Blockchain (Blockchain)

Blockchain (Blockchain) is a technology that stores data in the form of a chain of blocks of information linked together using encryption. Each block contains a transaction number and each new transaction is added to a new block, which is linked to the previous block, forming a chain. Helps create an unmodified and almost impossible to hack logging system, providing high transparency and security to data.

Blockchain is most widely known through its use in digital currencies such as Bitcoin, but this technology has many applications other than cryptocurrencies. Here are some examples of popular blockchain applications:

  • Cryptocurrency: This is a well-known and original application of blockchain, with Bitcoin as a good example. Cryptocurrencies use blockchain to create a transparent and secure transaction system without going through financial intermediaries.
  • Smart Contracts: These are contracts that automatically execute the terms of the agreement when the conditions are satisfied. Ethereum is an example of a blockchain platform that supports smart contracts.
  • Voting system: Blockchain can create a secure and transparent electronic voting system, helping to reduce fraud and enhance transparency in the voting process.
  • Supply chain management: Blockchain helps to record and track the origin of products in a transparent and unmodified way, from production to consumers, helping to prevent counterfeit goods and improve product safety.
  • Personal data storage: Blockchain can protect the privacy and safety of personal data, allowing users to control and share their data securely.
  • Real estate: The use of blockchain in real estate simplifies the buying and selling process, minimizes paperwork and enhances transparency in real estate transactions.
  • Art and copyright: Blockchain is also used in verifying the ownership and origin of works of art, as well as copyright management and protection.

These applications are only part of the potential that blockchain brings, and this technology continues to be explored and developed in many other fields.

Blockchain (Blockchain)

Hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud is a cloud computing infrastructure, helping to connect on-premises information technology resources, intersected between Public Cloud and Private Cloud platforms. This technology helps businesses become more flexible and have more options when deploying data.

By creating a single, highly flexible cloud computing facility that can run large workloads, Hybrid cloud helps to process information quickly, analyze the information needed to serve the digital transformation of the enterprise.


Microservices is a special method applied in software system development. This method focuses on building single-functional modules along with specifically defined interfaces and operations. Microservices are a tool to establish or combat digital disruption. It allows organizations to deploy new product and software features every day, even hundreds, thousands of times a day.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that require intelligence when performed by humans. Includes learning, inference, pattern recognition, understanding natural language, and perception. AI can be divided into two main types:

  • Narrow AI (Narrow AI or Weak AI): A type of AI designed and trained to perform a specific task without human intervention or creativity. Narrow AI examples include speech recognition systems, product suggestion systems on e-commerce sites, and virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa.
  • General AI (General AI or Strong AI): Is a theory of AI that has the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge and skills in many different fields, similar to human abilities. General AI can solve problems, reason, and learn from experience independently. Currently, generalized AI is still mainly a research target and has not been fully implemented in practice.

AI uses a variety of methods and technologies, including Generative AI, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, and Fuzzy Logic. Machine learning, especially deep learning, is one of the most important methods in modern AI, allowing computers to learn from data and improve their performance automatically.

Artificial intelligence has wide applications in many fields such as health, finance, manufacturing, transportation, and education, enhancing the ability to automate, predict, and analyze decisions, thereby delivering significant economic and social efficiency.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Big data (Big data)

In digital transformation, Big Data is an important concept that represents a huge and complex volume of data that traditional data processing methods cannot effectively record, store, manage and analyze. Big Data includes data generated from a variety of sources at high speed, diverse in type and frequently changing, requiring new technologies and methods to be able to extract valuable information from them.

Three basic Vs of Big Data:

  1. Volume: The amount of data produced and stored. Big Data involves processing very large amounts of data, from petabytes to exabytes of data.
  2. Velocity: The speed at which data is generated and needs to be processed. In many cases, data must be processed quickly to obtain timely information.
  3. Variety: The type and nature of data, including structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. Includes text, images, videos, data from sensors and more.

The importance of Big Data in digital transformation:

  • Data-Based Analysis and Decisions: Big Data helps organizations analyze complex trends, behaviors, and data patterns to make smart decisions and predict the future more accurately.
  • Personalization and Customer Experience: Businesses use Big Data to better understand their customers, allowing to personalize products, services and shopping experiences.
  • Operational optimization: Big data analytics help organizations optimize business processes, production performance, and reduce costs.
  • Security and Fraud Prevention: Big Data allows for fast monitoring, detection and response to cybersecurity threats and fraud.
  • New Product Development: Big Data Analysis helps businesses recognize unmet needs and market trends, leading to the development of new products and services.

Big Data plays a central role in digital transformation, helping businesses and organizations develop competitive advantages, create economic value and improve services. To get the most out of Big Data, organizations need to invest in advanced technology, analytical tools, and develop employee skills to manage and analyze data effectively.

The importance of Big Data in digital transformation

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

In digital transformation, virtual reality (Virtual Reality - VR) and augmented reality (Augmented Reality - AR) are two technologies that play an important role in creating new experiences and improving work efficiency through combining the real world and the virtual world. Here is an overview of each technology and their role in digital transformation:

Virtual reality (VR)

Virtual reality is a technology that creates a hypothetical computer-created environment, allowing users to "immerse" into a virtual world through input devices such as VR glasses, headphones, and controllers. VR creates a virtual space completely separate from the real world, allowing users to interact with the virtual environment as if they were there.

VR application:

  • Education and Training: VR is used to create simulated training environments, allowing students to experience and practice in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Medical: VR helps in the training of doctors, simulation surgery, and is also used in pain therapy and rehabilitation.
  • Real Estate and Architecture: Allows clients and designers to experience the space before construction or repair.
  • Entertainment: VR provides an immersive experience in games, movies, and virtual events.

Augmented reality (AR)

Augmented reality combines elements of the real world with data or graphics created by computers, which are superimposed on real environments via special smartphone, tablet, or AR glass screens. AR enhances user understanding and interaction with the real world by adding digital information.

AR application:

  • Retail: AR helps customers preview products in their real space before making a purchase, for example, trying something online or previewing a piece of furniture in a living room.
  • Maintenance and Repair: Provides visual instructions for people performing maintenance of machinery and equipment through enhanced information.
  • Education: AR brings a visual and interactive approach to learning, from displaying 3D models of the human body to exploring interactive historical maps.
  • Travel and Sightseeing: Provide enhanced information and interactive experiences for visitors when visiting tourist attractions and museums.

In the context of digital transformation, VR and AR both open up new opportunities to create innovative solutions, improve user experience, enhance training and education efficiency, and provide new tools for fields from healthcare to manufacturing and entertainment. Both of these technologies play important roles in reshaping how we interact with the world around us and expanding human capabilities.

In the context of digital transformation, VR and AR both open up new opportunities to create innovative solutions

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National Digital Transformation Program in Vietnam

National digital transformation is the process by which a country applies digital technology to promote economic development, improve public services as well as the quality of life of people. This process includes digitizing industries, improving information technology infrastructure, developing digital skills for the workforce, and applying digital solutions in public service management and delivery. The goal of national digital transformation is not limited to economic growth but also to build a smart, efficient and sustainable society.

Decision No. 749/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister: Approving the "National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, orientation to 2030", is an important plan of Vietnam to promote the development of the country through the application of digital technology. The goal of this program is not only to strengthen the presence of digital technology in all areas of society and economy, but also to improve national competitiveness, develop digital economy and digital society, and improve the quality of life of people.

National Digital Transformation Program in Vietnam

Some highlights of the program:

The main goal

  • Digital economy development: One of the main goals is to make digital economy an important part of national GDP, through promoting key digital economy sectors such as e-commerce, cashless payments, smart agriculture, tourism and digital health, etc.
  • Digital society development: Improving people's quality of life through the provision of digital services, digital education and digital health, in order to ensure that all citizens can access basic services conveniently and effectively.
  • Building a Digital Government: Modernizing state management by applying information technology, in order to enhance efficiency, transparency and streamline the working process of government agencies.

The main pillars

  • Information technology infrastructure: Invest and develop advanced information and communication technology infrastructure, ensuring extensive and safe connectivity.
  • Cybersecurity: Strengthening network information security and safety to protect the data of businesses and people.
  • Developing digital human resources: Training and developing human resources with high digital skills, in order to meet the needs of the digital economy and digital society.

Orientation and Solution

  • Promoting innovation: Encouraging and supporting innovation in technology and business, in order to create new value and improve national competitiveness.
  • International cooperation: Expand cooperation with international partners to learn experience, attract investment and develop skills for human resources.

Vietnam's National Digital Transformation Program emphasizes taking advantage of opportunities from the industrial revolution 4.0 to create a breakthrough in socio-economic development, while ensuring a sustainable future for the country in the context of globalization and international integration.

Vietnam's National Digital Transformation Program

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Areas where digital transformation can be applied

The digital transformation does not exclude any business, field, or industry. This is an inevitable and imperative process, in a world where people can now apply technology to everything.

Digital conversion in State agencies

Digital transformation in State agencies is very important and urgent. With a huge amount of information, data, digital transformation will help State agencies easily manage and control work. Besides, digital transformation also helps agencies handle administrative procedures faster without letting people wait too long.

Typically, it can be seen that citizen identification, household registration book, health insurance, social insurance, etc. have been transferred to electronic form, helping to eliminate unnecessary cumbersome documents and procedures. People can also look up and manage their information quickly and conveniently.

In addition to national digital transformation programs: digital transformation in new rural construction, digital transformation in youth unions, digital transformation in the army, digital transformation in administrative reform, digital transformation in the people's police, commune-level number conversion.


  • What is a population?
  • What is digital society?
  • What is digital government?
Digital transformation in State agencies is very important and urgent. With a huge amount of information, data

Digital transformation in education

Digital transformation in education is the application of digital technology to teaching methods, building digital learning systems, improving learning devices and tools to support learning, improving the experience of students and participants. training. Includes education management and preschool, primary, secondary and university education levels.

Benefits of digital transformation in education:

  • Increase traffic: Online learning platforms and mobile applications make it possible for students and students to access educational materials anytime, anywhere, thereby enhancing educational access for those who do not have the conditions or have difficulty accessing traditional education.
  • Enhance the learning experience: Digital technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) help create more interactive and enjoyable learning environments for students and students. In addition, mobile applications and online learning platforms also help students and students to study at their own pace and customize learning methods to suit their abilities and interests.
  • Evaluation and feedback: Digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) also make it possible for teachers and schools to assess the capacity and learning progress of students and students more quickly and accurately. In addition, mobile applications and online learning platforms also help teachers to provide feedback and learning support for students and students more effectively.
  • Educational management and organization: Educational management platforms and educational information systems make it easier and more effective for schools to manage student and student records, school schedules, lesson outlines and educational materials.
Digital transformation in education

Transferring arguments in the medical field

Digital transformation in Health is the use of modern digital devices and digital technologies that make healthcare more convenient, efficient and more comprehensive for patients and medical providers.

Benefits of digital transformation in the healthcare industry:

  • Health information management: Health information technology helps manage patients' medical information safely, reliably and effectively. Hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities can use medical information systems to manage information about patients, medical history, test results and prescriptions easily and quickly. .
  • Improve user experience: Mobile apps and smart medical devices make it more convenient for users to access their medical information anytime, anywhere, making healthcare more convenient. In addition, these technologies also help patients monitor their health and participate in the health care process in a more positive way.
  • Increased diagnostic and treatment capabilities: Artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies can be used to help diagnose diseases and come up with more effective treatment plans. Medical information systems also make it easier for doctors and medical staff to access patient medical information more quickly and easily, making the health care process more efficient.
  • Medical research: Digital technologies also make it possible for medical researchers to collect and analyze medical data more quickly and efficiently. Helps researchers make new findings and offer more effective treatment solutions for diseases.
Digital transformation in Health is the use of modern digital devices and digital technologies that make healthcare more convenient, efficient and more comprehensive for patients and medical providers.

Digital transformation in the business

Digital transformation in the business is the process of changing thinking and applying technology to help businesses optimize production and business processes, increase customer interaction, increase information security and safety, manage and monitor business activities more effectively.

Benefits of digital transformation in business:

  • Increase productivity and efficiency: Digital technologies help businesses optimize production and business processes, helping to enhance productivity and operational efficiency. Technologies such as AI and data analysis can help businesses predict market trends, optimize production processes and manage warehouses, help increase productivity and reduce costs.
  • Increase customer interaction and experience: Technologies and applications help businesses interact with customers quickly, helping customers have a better experience with business products and services.
  • Enhance information security and safety: Digital technologies such as blockchain and IoT help enhance information security and safety for businesses. Blockchain makes data storage and management safer, while IoT helps businesses track and manage devices safely and efficiently.
  • Strengthen management and supervision: Digital technology helps businesses manage and monitor business activities more effectively. Business management systems make it easier and more efficient to manage finances, production, human resources and other business activities.
Digital transformation in the business

Digital conversion in the bank

Digital transformation in banking is the use of digital and technologies to optimize banking processes such as financial transactions, risk management, customer management, service management and many other activities. Digital technologies commonly used in digital transformation in banking include artificial intelligence, data analytics, blockchain, online customer interaction, and other technologies.

Benefits of digital transformation in banking:

  • Increase customer experience: Using digital technology helps improve customer experience through online banking, mobile apps, and automation tools. Customers can make bank transactions conveniently and quickly, from checking account balances, transferring money, investing, to borrowing capital.
  • Process optimization: Digital transformation helps banks enhance performance and minimize processing time through process automation. The application of artificial intelligence and data analysis in the bank helps to automatically verify customers, analyze credit risk, manage finances and optimize operating costs.
  • Information security: Digital conversion in banks pay special attention to customer information security. Security technologies such as data encryption, two-factor authentication, and access management help ensure that customers' personal financial information and transactions are protected securely.
  • Better risk management: Digital transformation technology provides powerful data analysis tools to detect, evaluate and manage financial risk. Banks can use predictive algorithms and models to value risk, detect fraud, and prevent fraudulent activities.
  • Adapt and compete: Digital transformation helps banks quickly adapt to changes in the industry and deliver new services and products. The application of advanced technologies helps the bank attract new customers and maintain the satisfaction of existing customers.
Digital conversion in the bank

Digital transformation in logistics

Digital transformation in logistics is the process of changing technological thinking and applying digital technology to optimize the process of freight transportation and warehouse management to help create breakthroughs, eliminate stagnation to improve competitiveness, reduce costs, have more customers and maximize profits.

There are some important benefits of digital transformation in logistics:

  • Increase efficiency: Digital conversion enhances accuracy and performance during freight and warehouse management. By using technologies such as IoT and artificial intelligence, help track and manage goods in real time, from delivery, location and storage conditions, to quality control.
  • Optimizing the shipping process: Digital transformation in logistics allows to optimize the freight process. By using data analytics and artificial intelligence, you can predict the optimal payload and route, from choosing the right means of transport to efficient transport scheduling. Helps reduce shipping time and costs.
  • Efficient warehouse management: Digital conversion allows warehouse management with greater efficiency. Technologies such as IoT and artificial intelligence help automate the inventory process, monitor temperature and humidity in warehouses, and manage goods storage intelligently. Help minimize errors and losses in the warehouse management process.
  • Improve customer experience: Digital transformation logistics provides a better experience for customers. By using mobile apps and an online interface, customers can track and check delivery status, receive updated notifications about schedules and forecast delivery times. Help enhance customer satisfaction and trust.
  • Adapt to change: Digital transformation in logistics helps businesses quickly adapt to changes in the industry and seize new opportunities. Digital technology helps optimize processes and improve efficiency, helping businesses transport goods faster, safer and more efficiently, thereby creating a competitive advantage.
Digital transformation in logistics

Digital transformation in agriculture

Digital transformation in agriculture: It is the application of digital technology to the integration of agricultural production from cultivated and farmed areas to end consumers. These technologies provide tools and information to make accurate decisions, enhance productivity and improve effective management.

There are several important benefits of digital transformation in agriculture:

  • More effective management of environmental resources: Digital transformation helps improve the ability to manage and use resources in agriculture. IoT technology and smart sensors help monitor and control growing environments such as humidity, temperature, nutrients and light. Help farmers optimize the use of water, fertilizers and other resources, thereby reducing waste and increasing crop yield performance.
  • Enhanced weather forecasting and management: Digital technology provides accurate and up-to-date weather forecasting tools. Farmers can use this information to plan and make decisions about crop care, adjust planting and harvesting times. The use of weather data helps to improve the productivity and quality of agricultural products.
  • Optimizing the production process: Digital transformation helps optimize the agricultural production process. Data analysis technology and artificial intelligence help analyze agricultural data such as nutritional support, crop density, and growth dynamics. By using this information, farmers can customize and adjust crop care processes to enhance yield and product quality.
  • Better risk management: Digital transformation helps agriculture manage risk in a better way. Data analysis technology and IoT help monitor crop health, detect early signs of disease or harmful pests. Allow farmers to intervene in a timely manner, prevent and control diseases, and minimize the spread and damage to crops.
  • Market Connectivity: Digital transformation helps farmers connect directly with markets and customers through e-commerce platforms and mobile applications. Farmers can access the consumption market, determine demand and prices, thereby planning production and accessing the market more effectively.
Digital transformation in agriculture

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Digital transformation in industrial production

Digital transformation in industrial production is the process of applying digital technology, artificial intelligence and many other technologies to improve production processes, manage operations and optimize performance across industries.

There are many important benefits of digital transformation in industrial production:

  • Improve performance: Digital transformation helps improve performance in the production process. Using technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence, production activities can be optimized, from production processes, inventory management to machine operation. Helps reduce waste and enhance the ability to meet market demand.
  • Data management and intelligent analysis: Digital transformation enables intelligent collection and analysis of production data. IoT and big data systems allow data to be collected from sensors and devices in the production process. This data is then analyzed to find important information and make decisions based on data. Data management and intelligent analysis help improve production processes, predict problems and optimize operations.
  • Production process automation: Digital transformation allows the automation of industrial production processes. Using automation systems, robots and artificial intelligence, many stages in the production process can be done automatically and accurately. Help reduce labor errors, speed up production and ensure product quality.
  • Intelligent supply chain management: Digital transformation in industrial production also involves intelligent supply chain management. Using blockchain technology and tracking systems, information about the origin and production process of components in the supply chain can be recorded and tracked in a transparent and accurate manner. Helps improve transparency, risk management and shipping processes in the supply chain.
Digital transformation in industrial production

Digital transformation in the press

Digital transformation in journalism is the process of applying digital technology to change and improve activities related to the production, distribution and consumption of information in the journalism industry. Digital technology can include media platforms, mobile applications, websites, social networks and many other technologies.

There are many important benefits of digital transformation in journalism:

  • Wider reach and better interaction: Digital transformation helps the press reach a wider audience through digital marketing platforms. The press can use mobile apps, websites and social networks to provide content and interact directly with readers. Open up opportunities for interaction and feedback from readers, thereby improving engagement and interaction through digital technologies.
  • Increase speed and flexibility: Digital conversion reduces news release and distribution time. The use of digital media platforms allows the press to update and release news immediately, helping to meet the immediate information needs of readers. In addition, digital transformation also provides flexibility in the production and distribution of content, allowing the press to customize and optimize the news production process.
  • Expand interoperability and diversify content: Digital transformation in journalism facilitates content diversification through a combination of text, images, audio and video. Newspapers can use multimedia formats to communicate information in a creative and engaging way. At the same time, digital technology also allows interaction with content through means such as commenting, sharing and evaluation, creating a multi-dimensional participatory environment for readers.
  • Data management and intelligent analysis: Digital transformation in journalism allows intelligent collection and analysis of user data. Digital platforms enable the recording of data on reader behavior, interactions, and personal preferences. These data can then be analyzed to better understand readers and customize the content according to each user. Help improve the news reading experience and enhance the effectiveness of press campaigns.
Digital transformation in the press

Digital conversion in travel

Digital transformation in the tourism sector is the process of using digital technology to change and improve activities related to the tourism industry. Digital technology can include mobile applications, websites, online booking systems, artificial intelligence and many other technologies.

Important benefits of digital transformation in travel:

  • Increase travel experience: Digital transformation brings a better travel experience for customers. With mobile apps and websites, customers can search, book and manage their trips conveniently and flexibly. Digital technology also allows customers to preview information, photos and reviews of tourist destinations, helping them choose and plan their trip intelligently.
  • Optimize business operations: Digital transformation helps travel businesses optimize their operations. Online booking and electronic payment system helps manage the booking and payment process quickly and conveniently. Artificial intelligence technology provides automation and customer engagement solutions, from answering questions to providing personalized suggestions and services.
  • Effective promotion and marketing: Digital transformation allows travel businesses to reach and market to a wider audience. Using digital media platforms, travel businesses can promote information and communicate directly with target customers. Moreover, digital technology also provides data analysis tools to better understand the market and customer audience, thereby creating an effective marketing strategy.
  • Intelligent data management and analysis: Digital transformation in travel helps to collect and analyze data intelligently. Travel businesses can collect data on customer behavior, reviews and feedback, thereby improving the customer experience and enhancing interaction with them. Digital technology provides data analysis tools and intelligent management systems, helping travel businesses make accurate and fast information-based decisions.
Digital conversion in travel

Digital transformation process in the organization

Analyze the current status and needs of the organization

The organization needs to analyze the current status and needs to begin a comprehensive digital transformation process. Leaders need to determine the scale and operating procedures in the business carefully and in detail, this process helps them know the advantages and disadvantages that can be improved if digital transformation is implemented.

Assess the organization's readiness for digital transformation

Once they have understood the development situation and determined a specific direction, organizations need to assess their readiness for digital transformation. Depending on each organization to determine evaluation criteria, but businesses need to ensure accurate assessments of resources and data.

Human resources

People are the core element of every organization, especially in the digital transformation process. Digital transformation technology is applied for people to work efficiently, saving time and effort, minimizing unnecessary errors, but technology only supports, not replaces. People are still an important factor, they need to improve their awareness and thinking to quickly adapt to technology to use them effectively and intelligently.

To do this, the organization's leadership needs to have accurate assessments of the readiness of staff and human resources in digital transformation, by surveying, reporting, discussing,... The leadership in the business must be the first to change the vision, awareness, then spread to the staff, the whole business.


Data is also one of the important factors in the digital transformation process. Organizations need to review whether data has been stored with digital files, where it is stored, what types can be applied to digital conversion, and which documents are still stored on paper or not,...

This is a very important step, helping senior leaders get the most objective and comprehensive assessment, avoiding missing important data. Some data that businesses need to pay special attention to are customers, employees, contracts, purchase and sale data - payment,...

Digital transformation process in the organization

Choose the right digital transformation technology for the organization

After identifying the situation and evaluating relevant factors, the organization needs to identify the needs and choose the appropriate technology, which can solve their problems. During the implementation process, organizations also need to clearly, specifically and frankly exchange requirements and characteristics to get the most suitable digital transformation technology. It is possible that in the beginning there will be many obstacles, but if you adapt quickly, you can easily optimize efficiency.

Commitment to digital transformation

To be able to transform digitally comprehensively, changing culture is the most difficult thing. The organization needs to establish a detailed plan, specific strategy as well as a commitment to the effectiveness of the digital transformation process, in order to help employees properly be aware of the importance of this process.

At the same time, the leadership also needs to listen, respond and absorb the contributions of managers, employees and people involved in this work. Through feedback, management can customize the digital transformation process to be the most effective.

Corporate culture in digital transformation

Corporate culture plays an important role in the digital transformation process. To succeed in adapting and benefiting from digital technology, businesses need to build a culture that focuses on change, creativity and continuous learning.

Some important elements of corporate culture in digital transformation:

  • Creativity and innovation encouragement: Businesses need to encourage employees to think creatively, find new approaches and come up with breakthrough ideas. Create a safe environment to experiment with and "allow" failure, thereby drawing valuable lessons.
  • Customer Focus: Digital transformation is not just about technology, but also about how to provide value to customers. Corporate culture needs to put customers first, deeply understand the needs and desires of customers.
  • Continuous learning and willingness to change: Continuous learning culture plays an important role in digital transformation. Employees need to be willing to learn about new technologies and how to apply them to improve the workflow.
  • Leadership: Leaders need to show leadership and support in promoting digital transformation. They need to create a clear guidance and appropriate goal to focus the efforts of the entire organization.
  • Cooperation and teamwork: Corporate culture needs to encourage the spirit of cooperation and teamwork. Digitalization often requires different parts and individuals to interact to achieve maximum performance.
  • Automation and process optimization: Enterprises need to promote thinking about automating and optimizing workflows, helping to minimize time and resources, thereby facilitating development and focusing on more important tasks.

To succeed in digital transformation, businesses need to build a digital culture that promotes change, creativity and continuous learning. This culture needs to reflect the organization's commitment to leveraging the potential of digital technology to achieve sustainable development and create real value for customers.

Corporate culture in digital transformation

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Digital transformation in the context of ESG

Digital transformation in the context of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) refers to the application of digital technology to promote and achieve environmental, social, and governance goals. In this day and age, when issues of climate change, social inequality, and corporate governance requirements become increasingly urgent, digital transformation has become an important tool to help organizations and businesses approach and address these challenges more effectively. Here's how digital conversion supports ESG elements:

  • Environment (Environmental)
  • Social (Social)
  • Governance (Governance)

Environment (Environmental)

  • Resource and Energy Management: Using IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology to track and optimize energy, water and other resource usage, reducing waste and carbon emissions.
  • Smart Agriculture: Applying digital technology in agriculture helps to enhance sustainable production, better manage the use of fertilizers and pesticides, thereby reducing adverse impacts on the environment.
  • Environmental Monitoring and Reporting: Big data and analytics systems can track and report on environmental performance, help organizations comply with environmental regulations, and improve transparency.

Social (Social)

  • Improve Access to Services: Digital transformation improves access to health, education and public services through online applications, reducing inequality and enhancing community benefits.
  • Labor and Employment: Develop digital skills for the workforce, prepare them for the jobs of the future, and improve working conditions through automation and AI technology.
  • Strengthen Community Relations: Use technology to enhance community engagement and improve understanding and interaction between organizations and individuals.

Governance (Governance)

  • Transparent Governance: Blockchain and other technologies provide the foundation for creating transparent and accountable governance systems, thereby strengthening the trust of shareholders and consumers.
  • Risk Management and Compliance: Digital technology helps organizations better monitor and manage risk, as well as ensure compliance with legal regulations and industry standards.

Digital transformation in the context of ESG not only helps organizations and businesses solve pressing environmental and social problems, but also brings economic benefits through improving operational efficiency, creating innovation and expanding business opportunities. Requires commitment and cooperation from all stakeholders, from government to business and the community, to make the most of the benefits that digital technology brings.

Digital transformation application in climate change prevention and response

Digital transformation in the context of climate change prevention and response is the application and integration of digital technology into strategies, plans and activities to mitigate the impact of climate change as well as enhance society's adaptability and resilience to these changes. Digital technology provides powerful tools to collect data, analyze, forecast and create innovative solutions, thereby helping to effectively deal with climate change.

Big data analysis and climate modeling

  • Big data analysis: Use data from satellites, environmental sensors and other sources to analyze climate trends, predict extreme weather events, and monitor environmental changes.
  • Climate modeling: Developing machine learning and artificial intelligence models to predict and simulate the effects of climate change, helping scientists and policymakers make data-driven decisions.

Renewable energy and smart energy management

  • Smart energy management: Use IoT technology and energy management systems to optimize energy production, distribution and consumption, reduce waste and encourage the use of renewable energy.
  • Smart grid system: Develop a self-regulating grid, integrate renewable energy, and efficiently distribute energy, minimizing dependence on fossil fuels.

Smart agriculture

  • Data monitoring and analysis: Using sensors and satellite imagery to monitor soil conditions, humidity, and pests, help farmers optimize water and fertilizer use, and increase productivity sustainably.
  • Smart irrigation system: Use weather and land data to automatically adjust the irrigation system, reduce water consumption and limit water depletion.

Emission reduction and Carbon management

  • Track and reduce emissions: Use software and technology to track and reduce carbon emissions from industrial and transport activities, thereby supporting the transition to lower-carbon business models.
  • Carbon and blockchain markets: Develop carbon markets using blockchain technology to ensure transparency and efficiency in transactions and monitor carbon emission rights.

Smart and sustainable urban development

  • Smart urban management: Apply technology to optimize resource use, manage waste, and reduce pollution, making cities smarter and more sustainable.
  • Smart Transportation: Develop a transportation system that uses technology to reduce congestion, emissions and encourage the use of public and green transport.

Digital transformation provides powerful tools for responding to climate change, from increasing environmental understanding, optimizing resource use, to developing sustainable solutions for the future. Organisations, businesses and governments need to collaborate and apply these technologies to effectively respond to the challenge of climate change.

Digital transformation application in climate change prevention and response

Frequently asked questions about digital transformation

  • Whose responsibility is digital transformation?
  • When should I convert numbers?
  • What is informatization?
  • What is the fundamental difference between digital transformation and computerization?
  • What is digital technology?
  • What was the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
  • Why say digital conversion is "changing table size"?
  • What are the biggest difficulties and challenges of digital transformation?
  • How to train digital skills?
  • How to be safe in the digital environment?
  • Why do digital transformation projects fail?

Whose responsibility is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is considered the shared responsibility of everyone, there is no single person or group with exclusive responsibility. However, there may be government organizations, businesses, non-profits or social activist groups that come up with strategies and solutions to advance the country's digital transformation.

  • Government: Government often plays an important role in promoting digital transformation in the country. Develop policies and regulations, provide financial support for digital transformation projects and promote the implementation of online public services.
  • Enterprise: Enterprises must self-motivate digital transformation to improve performance, create new business opportunities and remain competitive. Digital transformation often involves investing in new technologies, training employees, and changing work processes.
  • Employees: Employees play an important role in driving digital transformation. They need to learn how to use new technology, contribute ideas and participate in the transition.
  • Non-profit and social organisations: Non-profit and social organisations can drive digital transformation to improve community service, manage data related to health, education and sustainable development.
  • Education and research: The education and research industry also contributes to digital transformation by training human resources in the field of information technology and conducting research and development of new technologies.
  • Communities: grassroots communities can drive digital transformation by creating technology-based grassroots projects to solve local problems and create opportunities for community projects.
  • International organizations: International organizations such as the United Nations and non-profit organizations can promote cooperation and digital transformation on a global scale.

Digital transformation is truly a complex task and requires collaboration from multiple parties to ensure that it is done effectively and that benefits everyone.

When should I convert numbers?

Digital transformation needs to be done now, when the business is procrastinating, this can miss many valuable opportunities. The main change is to go further, but digital transformation will help the development process go faster than it is now.

  • Competition: Businesses that are digitally transforming will have a competitive advantage over those who are still using the traditional process. If businesses and organizations do not catch up, they may lose competitive opportunities.
  • Rapid market change: Markets and customer needs are changing rapidly. Digital transformation helps to adapt and change over time.
  • New opportunities: Digital transformation opens up new opportunities, helping to create new products and services, expand markets and create innovative business models.
  • Performance optimization: Digital transformation allows to optimize production processes, manage inventory and improve organizational performance.
  • Ability to interact with customers: Digital transformation helps to interact with customers more effectively through online channels, provide better services and improve customer experience.
  • Prediction and analysis: Digital technology allows you to collect and analyze data to predict trends and markets, helping to make smart decisions.
  • Security and risk management: Digital transformation can help you improve data security and manage cybersecurity risk more effectively.
  • Sustainable future: Digital transformation helps create a more sustainable business model, reduce toxic emissions and optimize resources.
  • Adaptability to change: Digital transformation creates flexibility and adaptability to change in business and social environments.
  • Creating value for customers: Digital transformation allows businesses to create value for customers through better products and services and personalised interactions.

Remember that Digital transformation is not always easy and requires commitment and investment. However, it is an important step to ensure the survival and development of the business in the future.

Digital transformation needs to be done now, when the business is procrastinating, this can miss many valuable opportunities

What is informatization?

Computerization (also known as automation or computer automation) is the process of using technology and software to perform tasks or processes that previously had to be done manually by humans. The goal of computerization is to optimize performance, reduce errors, and save time and resources.

Computerization can be applied in many different fields, including:

  • Industry: In the production process, automated machines and systems are often used to work faster and more efficiently, from product production to packaging and transportation.
  • Data science: In the processing of big data, automation algorithms and software are used to analyze and extract information from large-volume data.
  • Information engineering and technology: Automation tools are used to manage computer systems, manage networks, and perform security-related tasks.
  • Business and management: Financial management, project management and workflow automation tools are used to improve performance and save time.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): In IoT, devices are connected and automated to collect and share data efficiently.
  • Home automation and smart technology: Devices such as security systems, temperature control, and smart home appliances can be automated to make daily life more convenient.

Computerization often uses programming languages, process management systems, and application development tools to build automated applications and processes. Help create a smart, efficient and time-saving working environment.

What is informatization?

What is the fundamental difference between digital transformation and computerization?

Digital transformation and computerization both involve using technology to improve organizational performance, but they have different goals and scopes. Digital transformation focuses on comprehensive change and how the organization works, while computerization focuses on the specific automation of tasks or processes.

Main goal:

  • The main goal of digital transformation is to comprehensively change the way organizations operate by using digital technology to create value and improve customer experience.
  • The main goal of computerization is to automate specific processes or tasks in the organization to minimize human intervention and optimize performance.


  • Digital transformation involves changing the way organizations interact with customers, how products or services are produced, and how data and information are managed.
  • Computerization often involves specific automation in work processes or specific tasks that humans typically perform.

Time range:

  • Digital transformation is often a long and continuous process that requires a change in organizational thinking and organizational culture.
  • Computerization can occur in a shorter time and often involves specifically automating a certain process.


  • Digital transformation often involves using digital technology to create improved value or create new innovations in business or services.
  • Computerization often involves automating specific tasks that people typically perform, such as data processing, generating automated reports, or managing inventory.

For example:

  • Use IoT technology to track and manage information from sensors in production to improve production processes and predict failures.
  • Automate order processing in the ERP system to automatically create orders and notify customers.
What is the fundamental difference between digital transformation and computerization?

What is digital technology?

Digital Technology is a term used to describe any technology based on the use of digitization of information and data. Digital technology often includes a combination of hardware and software to create solutions, applications, and systems capable of processing, transmitting, and storing data in digital form (bits and bytes).

Some examples of digital technology:

  • Networks and the Internet: Digital technology has created the Internet and computer networks, enabling global connectivity between devices and sources of information.
  • Computers and Mobile Devices: Personal computers, laptops, mobile phones and tablets are common digital devices that most people use on a daily basis.
  • Software: Digital technology software includes applications, operating systems, web browsers, and many other applications for work and entertainment.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: These technologies use data and numerical computation to create systems capable of learning and decision-making.
  • Cloud Computing: This technology allows storing and accessing data and applications remotely via the Internet.
  • IoT Technology (Internet of Things): Connect devices and sensors through the Internet to collect and share digital data from the real world.
  • Blockchain: This technology uses digital encryption to build a secure and decentralized recording system.
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Provide a digital experience in the real world.

Digital technology has changed the way we work, learn, entertain, and interact with the world around us. It plays an important role in areas such as business, health, education, transportation, and many others, and it continues to grow and change over time.

What is digital technology?

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What was the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industrial Revolution 4.0) is a term that refers to the combination of digital technology, automation, artificial intelligence and big data in manufacturing and industrial processes. This is a continuation of the previous industrial revolutions and it has the potential to change the whole way we produce, work and live.

Some important features of the Fourth Industrial Revolution:

  • Digital technology: The development of digital technology plays an important role in shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Including the use of computers, information systems, the Internet and related technologies to automate and optimize production processes.
  • Automation: Automation is an important part of this revolution, in which machines, robots and automated systems perform production tasks that were previously dependent on humans.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): AI allows computers to learn and make decisions based on data. In this revolution, AI is used to optimize production, predict failures, and create smart products.
  • Big Data: The Industry Revolution 4.0 uses big data mining and analysis to understand production processes, predict market demand, and improve organizational performance.
  • Connectivity (Internet of Things - IoT): IoT connects devices and sensors to the Internet to collect real-time data and control production processes.
  • 5G network: The development of 5G mobile network provides extremely low speed and latency, facilitating multi-device connection and enhanced faster Internet access.
  • Blockchain technology: Blockchain is used to create a secure and decentralized recording system, especially in the field of supply chain management.
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: VR and AR play a role in training, product design, and improving user experience.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to change many aspects of life and economics, from manufacturing and industry to education, health and transportation. It creates new opportunities and poses challenges in managing change and adapting to new environments.

What was the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Why say digital conversion is "changing table size"?

The idea behind this statement is about expanding or even narrowing the space (in this case, the “table”) to reflect the way in which digital technology allows us to restructure and adapt to our surroundings. A larger dining table can symbolize the expansion of opportunity, creating space for more people, new ideas, and collaboration, while a smaller table can represent optimization and efficiency, eliminating unnecessary things and focusing on what matters.

Example of "changing the size of the dining table" through digital conversion:

  • In business: Traditional businesses scale their operations by moving to an online platform, allowing them access to a global market instead of being limited to the local area. For example, a small retail store can start selling on the internet, expanding the audience from a small town to customers around the world.
  • In education: Schools and training institutes use digital technology to scale classrooms, from traditional classrooms to online courses that can reach thousands of students from around the world. Not only does it increase learning opportunities for more people, but it also creates a diverse and rich learning environment.
  • In healthcare: Digital transformation in healthcare allows for the scaling of healthcare from traditional clinics to the use of technology to implement telehealth, enabling patients and doctors to connect with each other anytime, anywhere, over the internet. Not only does it help optimize the delivery of medical services, but it also expands the reach of patients in remote areas.

Through these examples, it can be seen that Digital transformation is not only the application of technology to daily operations but also the restructuring and expansion of opportunities, spaces and capabilities for individuals and organizations, similar to "changing the size of the table" to suit new needs and goals.

Why say digital conversion is "changing table size"?

What are the biggest difficulties and challenges of digital transformation?

Although digital transformation brings many opportunities and benefits, it also faces many difficulties and challenges. Some of the big challenges of digital transformation:

  • Initial investment costs: Deploying digital technologies and new information technology infrastructure often requires large investments, which is a challenge for organizations, especially small and medium enterprises.
  • Security and privacy issues: Digital transformation creates many opportunities for cyber attacks and intrusions into personal data. Protecting information and maintaining customer privacy and company data becomes a major challenge.
  • Skill Shortage: Digital transformation requires an understanding of technology and digital skills. Employees need to be trained to use and manage new technology.
  • Integration: Organizations often have to integrate old systems with new technologies, requiring further investment and development.
  • Organizational culture change: Digital transformation often requires a change in organizational culture to promote flexibility, interaction and creativity, which is difficult due to resistance from organizational members.
  • Market Transformation: Digital transformation can change the way the market works, leading to new competition and changing competitors.
  • Dependence on technology providers: Dependence on a large number of technology providers can increase the risk in managing risk and incidents.
  • Data management challenge: With larger and more complex amounts of data, it becomes more difficult to manage, store and protect data.
  • Social impact: Digital transformation can impact employment and society, creating concerns about job loss and technology loneliness.

To succeed in digital transformation, organizations need to face and overcome these challenges by having a clear strategy, a commitment to investing in human resources and collaborating with professional partners.

What are the biggest difficulties and challenges of digital transformation?

How to train digital skills?

Digital skills training requires a comprehensive and flexible plan, including identifying learning needs, selecting appropriate training methods and tools, and evaluating the effectiveness of the learning process. Suggest 6 steps and basic strategies for digital skills training:

Step 1. Identify Needs and Goals

  • Demand analysis: Identify specific digital skills that an individual or organization needs to develop, based on business goals or personal development.
  • Set learning goals: Define clear and measurable goals for the training process, help guide training content and methods.

Step 2. Choose Training Method

  • Online learning: Use online courses, webinars, and video tutorials to provide learning flexibility.
  • Blended Learning: Combines online learning and face-to-face learning to enhance interaction and practice.
  • Learning through projects: Applying digital skills to the implementation of real projects, helping to strengthen knowledge and skills.

Step 3. Select Tools and Resources

  • Online learning platform: Choose reputable platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, or LinkedIn Learning to find the right course.
  • Practical tools: Use free or experimental software and tools to practice the learned skill.
  • Materials and tutorials: Search for quality books, articles, and video tutorials to support the learning process.

Step 4. Create A Supporting Environment

  • Group learning: Facilitate group learning, encourage mutual support and knowledge exchange.
  • Mentoring and coaching: Connect students with experts or experienced people to receive specific guidance and feedback.

Step 5. Reviews and Feedback

  • Regular assessment: Take tests or project reviews to assess learning progress and skills achieved.
  • Collect feedback: Get opinions from students about the quality and effectiveness of the training process to improve in the future.

Step 6. Encourage Continuous Learning

  • Knowledge Update: Encourage continuous learning and update the latest digital skills through up-to-date courses and materials.

Digital skills training not only improves performance but also expands career opportunities for individuals. Flexible access, customizing content and learning methods tailored to specific needs are key to achieving the best training outcomes.

How to train digital skills?

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How to be safe in the digital environment?

To ensure safety in the digital environment, you need to apply a series of personal and business information security measures. Here are some basic recommendations to stay safe online:

Use a strong password

  • Create complex passwords, combine uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Do not reuse passwords on multiple accounts.
  • Use password manager to store passwords securely and create strong passwords automatically.

Software update

  • Make sure the operating system and all software are up to date with the latest security patches.

Use two-factor authentication (2FA)

  • Enable two-factor authentication for important online services such as email, bank accounts, and social media.

Beware of phishing emails and messages

  • Do not open links or download attachments from unknown emails or messages.
  • Thoroughly check the sender's email address and look for signs of phishing messages.

Using a virtual private network (VPN)

  • Use a VPN when connected to a public Wi-Fi network to encrypt data transmitted over the network and protect personal information.

Data backup

  • Perform regular backups of important data to external storage devices or cloud storage services.

Mobile device protection

  • Set up the lock screen and use the device search feature if it is lost.
  • Install security software on mobile devices.

Limit personal information on social networks

  • Configure privacy settings on social media accounts to control who can see your personal information and posts.

Educate yourself and your loved ones

  • Learn how to recognize new online threats and share this information with family and friends.

Use anti-malware software

  • Install and update antivirus and anti-malware software to protect your device from malware.

Maintaining online safety requires constant vigilance and the adoption of best security measures. Updating your security knowledge and taking precautions can help protect you from a variety of online threats.

How to be safe in the digital environment?

Why do digital transformation projects fail?

Digital transformation fails for a variety of reasons, but most issues can involve one of three challenges when digital transformation, including: people, communication, and measurement.

  • People: Culture can be both the leading driver of digital transformation and the foundation of successful digital transformation. If the organization does not focus enough on people and culture, any initiative will probably fail.
  • Poor communication: If management does not give specific and feasible instructions before, during and even after the transition, all initiatives will not go far.
  • Lack of measurement: An organization cannot successfully digitally transform without determining what success means to them. If the business is changing the way it does business, it is necessary to set more KPIs to track the impacts.

There are many different paths in the digital transformation process and the journey of each organization will be unique. However, in most cases, starting the Digital transformation journey requires a new vision and mindset, which is also an opportunity to reimagine the way they have done things so far.