IT Helpdesk: Duties, skills and recruitment requirements

Phuong Trang

12/6/2024 3:02 PM

When the world begins to enter the 4.0 era, programming-related careers are on the rise. IT Helpdesk is also one of the promising industries, promising to bring high advancement possibilities. However, not everyone understands this job clearly. In the article below, EDUTO will bring you useful information.

What is IT Helpdesk? Main tasks of IT Helpdesk

IT Helpdesk  is the department responsible for answering and consulting on solutions related to technical and technological issues of the product for users (also known as end-users). Most companies will have their own Helpdesk department to answer or advise users via platforms such as email, phone, website,...

Depending on the company structure, there will be an internal department only for employees within the company, specializing in supporting task and  technology issues  during business operations.

Job description IT Helpdesk

Each company will have a different job description for the IT Helpdesk position. Typically, in this position, you will help with troubleshooting issues in IT and general engineering. At the same time, be in charge of continuously upgrading and maintaining the system to minimize arising risks.

Job description IT Helpdesk

This position will help businesses ensure project completion as well as promptly detect potential problems in products and services.

Specifically, the IT Helpdesk job list will include:

  • Identify and resolve software and hardware related problems for users.
  • Support and ensure the business's hardware and software operations are smooth and effective.
  • Consulting and answering customers' questions about incidents, then reporting back to internal staff for resolution.
  • Monitor and record processing progress, update product quality status and fix problems.
  • Back-up data, update and maintain network operation.
  • Responsible for machinery warranty and repair tasks.

The job description above is approximate and may change depending on the requirements of each business. If you are interested in this position, you can find detailed job descriptions at companies that are recruiting here.

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Educational requirements

If you already have a University/College degree and some certificates related to technology fields such as Computer Systems, Hardware and Software, Computer Science,... then you have a good chance of securing a job. accept this position. In addition, some businesses will require a Microsoft Certified Professional system engineer certification.

Requirements for experience and expertise

On the CareerBuilder recruitment site, recruitment companies generally do not require too many qualifications or seniority experience, but mainly evaluate the ability to meet the job. Of course, if you already have some experience in server administration such as Windows, CentOS,... or have work experience related to analyzing and repairing previous technology system problems, it also helps to "record" points" with employers.

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Necessary skills to become a professional IT Helpdesk

Troubleshooting skills

Taking on this position, it is natural to often face customer or internal company problems. No matter how careful you are, unexpected risks can still happen. Because your main task is to support users in handling and solving problems related to computers, software, etc., it is imperative to have the skills to detect problems and problems and quickly resolve them. suitable solutions.

Good communication skills

IT Helpdesk is the company representative who communicates with customers when they encounter technical problems. Therefore, you must have a dedicated attitude, know how to listen and really care about customers no matter the situation.

Most customers will not have specialized technical knowledge, so during the consulting process, you must be the one to receive information and ask suggested questions so that customers can accurately describe the situation or create a solution. Create research questions to diagnose and support the problem. In some cases, you are also the one who must monitor and respond to customer requests, so you need to create trust and credibility with customers.

Necessary skills to become a professional IT Helpdesk

Foreign language skills 

The job of IT Helpdesk is to monitor and update technology trends in the market to upgrade enterprise technology systems. Therefore, foreign language will be the "key" for you to easily access the latest knowledge on international technology platforms.

When you have a good language foundation, you also have many opportunities to "join" foreign businesses and access new development trends.

Presentation skills

As a customer support person, you must be able to present clearly and coherently to bring information to customers and solve the problems they are facing. In addition, you must also be proficient in presenting and reporting work to superiors.

Teamwork skills

The work of IT Helpdesk requires support and connection between many departments. Therefore, if you do not have good team skills, you will have many difficulties working and completing assigned tasks.

First of all, you must have the ability to listen well, have a progressive spirit, be responsible and dare to accept criticism. Grasping the working situation of team members is something that needs attention. You need to understand what they are doing and how much time they spend, when you can ask for support,...

Customer care skills

The main job of IT Helpdesk is to handle internal problems and at the same time convey solution information to customers. Therefore, you need to have a good working attitude, know how to listen and provide solutions to problems in the most understandable way.

Many employees are good at their expertise and problem solving but fail at conveying it to customers or teammates. This also depends on your tact and communication ability.

Patience at work

As mentioned above, every day IT Helpdesk staff will have to help many different customers. There will certainly be awkward and uncomfortable situations but must ensure professionalism and ability to behave. Good. There are days when work requires constant system upgrades and maintenance, so patience at work is very important.

IT Helpdesk career development roadmap

The development path of the IT Helpdesk position is quite open. You can gain more experience and "encroach" into many other areas of IT.

Necessary skills to become a professional IT Helpdesk

If not, you can also advance to higher positions in the IT department. Specifically:

  • IT Helpdesk Team Leader: Position suitable for experienced people with good team leadership ability.
  • Network system administrator: For those with network degrees such as CCNP, CCNA, etc.
  • System administrator: Suitable when you have some operating system certifications such as Microsoft MCSE, Linux, Unix,...
  • Application administration: Similar to network or server, you can switch to application support positions when the opportunity arises.
  • Security expert: This is also a possibility, if you take the trouble to learn more in-depth about these techniques. Working in the Helpdesk department is a good opportunity for you to interact with and learn from the experts who work together.
  • Data Administration: This is also a potential position and many DBAs have risen from the IT Helpdesk department.
  • IT management specialist, IT project management specialist: Of course this is a high level and takes a lot of time to learn and accumulate experience.

In general, the development path for this position is unlimited, depending on each person's progress and ability to learn with many different choices.

Income of IT Helpdesk

According to CareerBuilder's information, the current IT Helpdesk salary will range from 8 - 12 million VND a month. Even for experienced people, the income can be up to 20 million VND or higher.

It should be noted that income levels may vary when working in different fields. For example, IT Helpdesk in banking may have a different income level from IT Helpdesk in the oil and gas industry, etc. even though they have the same number of years of experience.

Phuong Trang

12/6/2024 3:02 PM