Reveal criteria to identify an outstanding Software Developer

Phuong Trang

14/6/2024 4:00 PM

Even if you are an IT student or have experience in the field of information technology, you may not know the exact answer or how to answer others about the question "What is a Software Developer?".

In the current era of booming technology, software technology is becoming a sought-after industry. In this field, Software Developer plays an important role in creating applications and software with convenient features to serve user needs. So what is Software Developer? Is it easy to enter the Software Developer profession? Let's find the answer right in this article with EDUTO!

What is Software Developer? 

Software Developer is a person who performs work related to programming , configuration management, building and maintaining software that runs on many different types of devices such as Photoshop, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. ,...

Job description of Software Developer 

Software Developer not only writes code and builds software, but also undertakes many other related tasks:

  • Analyze customer requirements: Software Developer meets with customers and stakeholders to discuss and analyze their needs. Through that, visualize the software that needs to be created and the features needed to meet exactly what customers want.
  • Software design: After having all the information, Software Developer synthesizes and comes up with software design ideas to ensure that the software meets maximum requirements and necessary functions.
  • Write code: Use programming languages ​​(Java, C++, Python,...) to write software code.
  • Problem solving: Evaluate, detect, and solve problems during the software development process.
  • Deploy and maintain: Support customers to run the software, receive editing requests to improve the software. At the same time, continuously monitor and update the software to ensure the best experience for users.

However, depending on each business, the detailed work of a Software Developer may vary, but the main work is still related to developing, building, and maintaining software.

Job description of Software Developer 

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Software Developer job opportunities

The use of modern software and applications has been and is very popular. Therefore, in the coming years, Software Developer is a job that requires abundant human resources, the demand for Software Developer recruitment is increasing, opening up wide job opportunities for people passionate about this profession.

With such a hot level, there will certainly be many candidates pursuing the job of Software Developer in particular and the IT industry ( information technology ) in general. To meet job needs, applicants must be equipped with strong professional qualifications and many different skills required for the job. You can continue to explore the content in the next section to know the requirements when becoming a Software Developer.

Necessary criteria of an excellent Software Developer

Educational level and professional knowledge

Software programmers are often required by employers to have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology and have strong knowledge of coding languages ​​(C++, Java, JavaScript, etc. .) and structural frameworks for dynamic web applications (AngularJS, Git,...). 

Educational level and professional knowledge

Software Developers also need to have thinking about design, software architecture, and the ability to detect, find and fix errors in software. This ensures applications and software run correctly and minimize errors.

Foreign language ability 

As a human resource in the field of information technology, it is not necessary to be fluent in English like a translator or interpreter, but you need to possess good specialized English capital to be able to read and research documents easily and grasp them. Gain new knowledge in the industry. 

Communication and teamwork skills 

As a software developer, you don't need to collaborate with many other people. Communication and teamwork skills are essential for you to convey information and ideas concisely and clearly to others and work and coordinate effectively with surrounding colleagues. These help you complete the best programs, applications, and projects. 

Ability to solve problems 

A main task of a Software Developer is to detect and handle errors that arise in existing applications and software. Finding out the cause, evaluating, reviewing and finding a reasonable solution will help Software Developer optimally solve the problem and fix errors effectively.

Ability to solve problems 

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Software Developer's income level 

The information technology industry in general and Software Developer in particular are having great attraction. The current salary of a Software Developer ranges from 10 - 20 million VND/month. Depending on the professional capacity and experience of the person in charge, the size of the work unit, workplace, etc., the salary may be higher or lower.

Software Development support tools

During software development, support tools play an important role in managing source code, testing and debugging, as well as collaborating and tracking project progress. These tools help optimize workflows and improve product quality. Below are some of the most popular and effective tools today in the field of software development.

Software Development support tools

Let's find out with EDUTO!


Vysor is a tool that supports software development teams by providing a collaboration platform that integrates with Jira for project management. While not a development tool in the traditional sense like a version control system or build tool, Visor supports the software development process by managing data and visualizing workflows.

Its integration with Jira is useful for tracking progress, managing tasks, and ensuring project alignment. With a spreadsheet-inspired interface, Visor syncs with Jira data and provides custom views and visualizations that reflect nested hierarchies and different field types from Jira.

Visor's outstanding features and integrations:

  •  A drag-and-drop interface allows users to convert data into roadmaps, Gantt charts, or detailed timelines.
  •  Users can control permissions to edit, comment or view data, ensuring that data that needs to be kept confidential will not be edited.
  •  Integrates with Jira, Salesforce, and HubSpot.


GitHub is a web-based platform that enables version control and collaboration, helping developers store, review, manage code, track, and resolve issues. I chose GitHub for its powerful collaboration features, like a private discussion space, pull requests to review and merge changes, and the ability to use branches to propose changes to the repository initial reserve.


Outstanding GitHub features and integrations:

  • "Gist" allows sharing small snippets of code or text with others.
  •  Updated notifications about activity on the repository.
  •  Project board to organize and prioritize work.
  •  Wiki for additional documentation and information about the project.
  •  Built-in integration with Slack, Microsoft Teams, Terraform, Redis, and Jira.

Advantages of GibHub:

  •    GitHub pages to host a website for the project.
  •    Built-in security features to protect code.
  •    Automate tasks like testing, building, and deploying code.

 Disadvantages of GibHub:

  •    Past privacy and security issues.
  •    Users must know Git commands to use it effectively.

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is an IDE mainly used for Java programming, with a friendly interface and support for many languages ​​such as Kotlin, Groovy, and Scala. I chose IntelliJ IDEA because of its rich features and developer-friendly design, such as powerful code analysis tools, advanced debugging capabilities, and integration with popular technologies like Maven and Git. 

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA Outstanding Features and Integrations:

  •  Special encoding support for many programming languages.
  •  Check code quality and suggest quick fixes.
  •  Index the source code and create a virtual map of the project.
  •  Integrates with Git, Mercurial, Perforce and Subversion.

Advantages of IntelliJ IDEA:

  •    Suggest automatic code completion.
  •    Live templates for quick standard code insertion.
  •    Search feature to find layers and symbols.

IntelliJ IDEA Disadvantages:

  •    The full version can be expensive for individual users or small groups.
  •    Resource intensive and slow on lower end systems.


Understanding Software Development not only helps us see the importance of this field in modern life, but also opens up attractive career opportunities for those who are passionate about technology and creativity. Hopefully this article has provided useful information and helped you gain a deeper insight into the world of software developer.

Phuong Trang

14/6/2024 4:00 PM