What is account? Roles and function of account in IT and others fields

Phuong Trang

25/6/2024 2:45 PM

Account is a position with an important link in the field they undertake, this position is found in many fields such as Marketing, accounting, banking, business,... They both support foreign affairs and Internal support within the business.

Account is a position with an important link in the field they undertake, this position is found in many fields such as Marketing, accounting, banking, business,... They both support foreign affairs and Internal support within the business. 

What is account?

Account is the term for people who maintain good relationships between businesses and customers. They are considered a bridge between internal departments within the company and external customers, ensuring that both sides clearly understand each other, making customers satisfied and confident when using services at the enterprise.

Besides the fields of Marketing and Communications at Agencies, the Account position is also popular in many different fields: Finance - Banking, information technology,... In each different field, the Account will take on the role different roles and functions.

What is account?

Roles and functions of Account in various fields

Finance - banking sector

In the field of finance and banking, the term Account means bank account. An account is a means of recording, classifying and summarizing a business's financial transactions. Each account represents a specific object, which can be an asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense.

Accounts are classified into two main types: general accounting accounts and detailed accounting accounts. General accounting accounts are used to synthesize data of detailed accounting accounts of the same nature. Detailed accounting accounts are used to record detailed financial transactions of a business.

Roles and functions of Account in various fields

Marketing field

In the field of Marketing, the term Account is used to refer to the person responsible for managing the relationship between a business and customers . Account acts as a bridge between customers and other departments in the business, ensuring that Marketing projects are successfully implemented and meet customer needs.

The main work of an Account in the field of Marketing includes:

  • Approach and find potential customers: Introduce your business's products and services and convince them to use the Agency's services.
  • Analyze customer needs: Accounts need to clearly understand customer needs to provide appropriate marketing solutions.
  • Planning and implementing Marketing projects: Ensuring the project achieves its goals.
  • Communicate and report with customers: Representative for the business to communicate and report with customers on project progress.

Information technology field

In the field of information technology, the term Account can be understood in two main meanings:

  • User account : Is a set of credentials that allows a user to access a specific system or service. This authentication information often includes usernames, passwords, and other information such as email addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  • System account : Is an account created by the system to manage system operations. System accounts often have high access rights to the system and can be used to perform tasks such as installing software, configuring the system, etc.
Information technology field

Sales field

Account in the field of sales is understood as a potential customer or current customer of the business. Account can be an individual, organization, business,... who needs to use the business's products/services.

Account staff are responsible for finding, approaching, consulting and taking care of customers. They are the bridge between businesses and customers, helping businesses understand customer needs and meet those needs in the best way.

Account staff play an important role in promoting business sales. Because they are the ones who have direct contact with customers and understand their needs and desires. From there, we can provide appropriate solutions to help customers be satisfied and choose the company's products/services.

Administration field

An account in administration is a user who has access to a system or service. Account usually includes basic information such as login name, password, personal information such as full name, email, address,...

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What is Accounting profession?

Account Executive

An Account Executive is an employee representing a Marketing company, also known as an Agency, to work with customers. They are responsible for building and maintaining customer relationships and ensuring marketing campaigns meet customer goals. Some of the jobs of an Account Executive include:

  • Contact, search and care for customers
  • Analyze customer needs and requirements.
  • Develop and propose marketing solutions suitable to customer needs
  • Negotiate and negotiate contracts with customers
  • Monitor and report project implementation progress to customers.
Account Executive

Account Manager

The Account Manager is the person responsible for managing relationships with customers, from searching, consulting, negotiating, signing contracts, to implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of Marketing campaigns. Account Manager has main tasks such as:

  • Search for potential customers: Market research, analyze customer needs to find and reach potential customers
  • Consulting and persuading customers: Consulting customers on Marketing solutions that suit their goals and budgets
  • Negotiate and sign contracts: Agree on contract terms, ensuring the rights of both parties
  • Implement and monitor Marketing campaigns: Coordinate with other departments in the company to deploy Marketing campaigns according to plan and budget.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns: Use measurement indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, thereby making suggestions for improvement.

Account Director

Account Director is a senior management position in agencies or businesses providing communication, advertising, and event organizing services. They are responsible for all activities of the Account department, including:

  • Build relationships with customers and partners
  • Propose strategies and ideas to customers
  • Manage Marketing projects
  • Negotiate and negotiate contracts with customers
  • Track progress and report results to customers

To become an Account Director, candidates need to have at least 5 years of experience working as an Account Manager or related positions. They need to have in-depth knowledge of Marketing, business, negotiation, presentation, and good management and leadership abilities.

Account Director

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Necessary requirements of an Account employee

Knowledge of Marketing

Account staff are the bridge between customers and businesses. They are responsible for managing and implementing Marketing projects for customers. To do this, Account staff need to have knowledge of Marketing principles, strategies and techniques.

Mastering Marketing knowledge helps Account staff understand how the Marketing department develops Marketing strategies and plans. This helps create consensus and better interaction between the two departments, while also providing important information from customers to develop appropriate Marketing strategies.

Sensitive and flexible

The Account employee is the company's representative to contact and work with customers. They need to be able to adapt to different situations, both at work and in relationships with customers. Flexibility helps them solve problems that arise quickly and effectively.

In addition, Account staff also need to be sensitive to grasp the needs and desires of customers. They need to be able to predict changes in the market and customer needs to devise appropriate strategies. Responsiveness helps them build lasting relationships with customers and drive sales.

Sensitive and flexible

Pressure resistance ability

During work, account staff often face a lot of pressure from customers, colleagues and even themselves.

Customers often have high and strict requirements for Marketing projects. Account staff need to be able to convince customers, solve problems that arise and ensure their satisfaction. Besides, Account staff also have to work with many different departments in the company such as creative, production, media, etc. They need to be able to coordinate and work effectively in groups to ensure projects are completed. done smoothly and effectively.

Accounts also often have to work with large workloads and tight deadlines. They need to be able to manage time and work effectively to ensure work is completed on schedule. Without the ability to withstand high pressure, Account staff will easily become stressed, tired, and lead to poor work efficiency.

Update knowledge and technology

Marketing is an industry that is always changing and constantly updating. New marketing trends appear every day, and technologies are constantly developing. To be able to meet customer needs, Account staff need to regularly update their knowledge to grasp the latest trends and technology.

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Skills that Account staff need to equip

Sales skills

Although the job does not directly sell, Accounts need to have this skill to convince customers to use their Agency's services. Because they are the ones who directly work with customers, advise and support customers in using the business's products/services. Therefore, sales skills  help Account staff meet customer needs well, thereby bringing revenue and profits to the company.

Communication skills

In their role, Account staff often have to work with many customers, partners and members of the organization. Effective communication skills help Account staff build and maintain good relationships, while solving problems and handling difficult situations.

Communication skills include the ability to listen, understand customer requirements and desires, the ability to convey information clearly and in detail, as well as the ability to persuade and negotiate. Account staff need to know how to interact professionally, politely and confidently with stakeholders.

In addition, communication skills also help Account staff build a network of relationships, build trust and consensus with customers and partners. This can play an important role in maintaining and growing business relationships.

Analytical skills

Analytical skills help Account understand customer needs by collecting and analyzing information about customers, thereby determining their needs and desires. Account staff can propose and coordinate with the Media department to build effective Marketing strategies.

After implementing a Marketing campaign, Account also has the task of evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign to make appropriate adjustments. Analytical skills help Account staff collect and analyze data from Marketing campaigns, thereby evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign.

Analytical skills

Project management skills

Many Marketing projects are often large in scale and scope, requiring Account staff to have the ability to plan, organize and coordinate project activities. Project management skills help Account staff:

  • Ensure projects are delivered on time, on budget, and with quality
  • Resolve problems and risks that arise during project implementation
  • Optimize project efficiency.

Negotiation skills

Account staff are representatives of the company to work with customers. They are responsible for understanding customer needs, consulting and proposing appropriate marketing solutions. To achieve these goals, Account staff need to be able to negotiate to convince customers to choose their Agency's solutions.

Problem-solving skills

Problems that arise during work are inevitable, such as errors in data, customer objections, complaints, etc. Problem solving skills help Account staff determine the cause , find solutions and take measures to fix the problem.

Time management skills

Accounts often have to work together with other departments within the Agency such as the creative team, production staff, data analysis team, and clients. Time management skills help them coordinate work, communicate and interact effectively with team members, ensuring cooperation and completing projects together. Time management skills include setting goals and prioritizing urgent and important tasks. At the same time, build a plan and allocate time appropriately, avoid distractions. Especially knowing how to delegate work when necessary.

Career opportunities for Account staff

Marketing, communications, advertising, and event organization industries are growing strongly in Vietnam and around the world. Therefore, career opportunities for Account staff are also very open.

Promotion opportunities: Account staff have the opportunity to advance to higher positions in the Account department, such as:

  • Account Manager: Responsible for managing a team of Account Executives, ensuring the implementation of projects according to plans and goals.
  • Account Director: Responsible for managing the entire Account department, ensuring the company's revenue and profits.

In addition, Account staff can also move to other positions in Marketing, communications, advertising, and event organization. In particular, the Account profession requires employees to be equipped with many skills and knowledge, such as communication skills, negotiation, analysis, problem solving,...

Account staff also have more opportunities to work at large businesses and companies. These businesses often need to recruit Account staff with attractive salaries and benefits. This is a great opportunity for them to gain experience and develop themselves. Developing these skills and knowledge will help Account employees develop themselves and advance in their careers.

Career opportunities for Account staff

Some questions about the Account profession

What major should I study to become an Accountant?

Suitable majors to work as an Account are those related to Marketing, communications, advertising, and event organization. These include Business Administration , Marketing, Communications, Event Organization,...

Current salary of Account staff?

The current salary of Account staff in Vietnam fluctuates depending on position, experience and business size.

  • Account Executive: The average salary of an Account Executive ranges from 7 - 12 million VND/month.
  • Account Manager: This position is responsible for managing and implementing Marketing campaigns for customers. The average salary of an Account Manager ranges from 24 - 35 million VND/month.
  • Account Director: Operate and manage the Account department. The average salary of an Account Director ranges from 45 - 65 million VND/month.

The demand for Account staff is increasing due to the development of the economy and fierce competition between businesses. Businesses need a team of professional Account staff to assist them in reaching customers, building and implementing effective Marketing strategies. 

Accordingly, Account employees can advance to higher positions such as Account Manager, Account Director, or even Marketing Director. It can be said that this is a very interesting profession and if you have passion, the Account profession can be a great choice.

Phuong Trang

25/6/2024 2:45 PM